2.3 / 5.0
Recently update: 2023-12-11 17:12
TikTok Account : | Main Category : | Womenswear & Underwear | |
Seller Type : | Local | Price Distribution : | $1.13-$7.78, Mean price $3.21 |
Tracked : | 2023-02-27 | Main Sales Methods : | Video Sale |
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The main category of Naitra_shop's store is: Womenswear & Underwear, and the seller type is Local seller. The price range is from $1.13-$7.78, Mean price $3.21. The main sales method is Video Sale.
Naitra_shop's total sales volume is N/A, estimated GMV is N/A, recent 30-day sales volume is N/A, estimated GMV is N/A.
Naitra_shop's total sales volume is N/A, estimated GMV is N/A, recent 30-day sales volume is N/A, estimated GMV is N/A.
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